Thursday, December 12, 2013

the verse of light

the All-Knowing 
strikes a parable 
for humankind – 
words of guidance, 
graciously given: 

light upon light. 

oil which no fire 
has ever touched, 
patiently gathered 
from the olive’s 
heart of hearts; 
slowly mellowed 
from a sacred tree – 
that living testament 
to the struggles 
and patient labor 
of untold ages; 
from a sacred tree, 
rooted in the soft 
and temperate soil 
of a serene land; 

neither here nor there – 
neither yours nor mine. 

this gracious gift, 
fallen into a land 
of Easts and Wests, 
of theirs and ours; 
a most subtle light, 
gently protected 
within a transparent, 
shining, star-like, 
yet how fragile 
enclosure of care, 
secured within 
a niche of trust; 
such his His light – 

God is the light 
of heaven and earth.

(Qur’ān 24:35 read backwards)

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